CroCooS - Prevent dropout!

Short summary

The European Commission supported project was an international cooperation of Hungary, Slovenia and Serbia, with the involvement of experts from two Northern-European countries, Denmark and The Netherlands.

In the framework of the CroCooS project an Early Warning System (EWS),a systemic tool used by educational institutions at institutional level has been developed. This EWS is based on measurable data and observable phenomena, facilitating the timely identification of students at risk of dropping out and also the establishment and application of tailor made prevention measures on an individual level. Building a comprehensive early warning system at institutional level is a long-term process taking place through an institutional development including the formation of a strategy and an implementation plan considering the needs of many actors within and outside the institution at all times of the development process and coping with the challenges of change, building on trust and accepting support from outside. This process in schools demands strong engagement from the entire institution and its network including primarily the school management but also teachers, trainers, other members of staff, students and the parents and the supporting services surrounding the school. A detailed guidelines and an online toolkit for teachers help the schools’ teamwork.

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