Short summary
The Includer policy learning mobile application for self-development targets decision-makers in education and training at several levels – national, regional, local or school level. The application was developed within the ESLplus Project.
It helps to understand the different reasons and the complex question of leaving school without qualification. It widens the decision-makers’ knowledge and sensitivity towards the risk of early school leaving with the help of gamification.
The mobile application runs on Android mobiles and tablets. It consists of 9 modules of questions, data, benchmarks, terminology and moreover case studies, stories.
It gives opportunity to check your knowledge on your country early school leaving data, compare your country with other countries, test your information on the prevention, intervention and compensation tools.
Besides the right or wrong questions, it includes stories and answers which raise awareness and expand other possible tools when tackling with early school leaving.
The policy learning application builds on the result of the EU policy (CEDEFOP, Eurydice, ET2020 Working Groups) documents on early school leaving and helps you to identify possible indicators related to early school leaving and early warning system.
The application speaks for itself, it does not need any further guidance. Gamification is rarely used for policy makers. Now this is the opportunity for professionals in early school leaving to play and learn.
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Target group of good practice:
Policy makers
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Ágnes Balla
Expanzió Ltd.