motivating students for learning

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Student motivation is key to effective learning. A student may become demotivated for a variety of reasons, such as a lack of interest in the subject, being distracted by external factors, feeling disengaged by the teaching methods, or needing special attention. The motivation of students to learn can take several forms, such as offering incentives, encouragement, using a variety of activities that directly engage them, showing the relevance of the subject or giving feedback that fosters competence perception, etc. Student motivation is sourced internally, student by student; however, teachers have a crucial role in providing support and means that help to strengthen or encourage better performance. Motivating factors can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation means wanting to engage in a behaviour because it is personally rewarding, such as feeling interested or having a feeling of success and competence, while extrinsic motivation refers to external rewards, such as better grades, or other types or recognition. Both types of motivators have their advantages and disadvantages, and their use may depend on the specific circumstances and the learning style of the student.

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